Everyday Carry (EDC) Items

Basis Peak Review: Fitness Tracking with a Twist!

I jumped on the wearable train early on by using both a Pebble watch as well as the original FitBit. After tiring of wearing two devices, I looked for something different. Luckily I recently had the chance to try out the Basis Peak $199.99. The fitness tracker is also a watch with some smart functions. Let’s take a look!

My Week with the Apple Watch

“He used his Apple Watch as a boarding pass!” the TSA agent shouted to his buddy. I was geeking out too, but to be honest, it was pretty awkward finding a good way to position my arm so the watch was face-down on the scanner. That pretty much sums up my impressions so far: The Apple Watch is exciting, but…

How to Get a $12,000 Gold Apple Watch Edition for Only $400

Let’s be honest. Not all of us have $12,000 to purchase a gold Apple Watch, and to be quite honest with you, spray painting it faux gold doesn’t make it look any more luxurious. But thanks to a company named WatchPlate, you can have yourself a Gold Apple Watch for $400.

Pebble Promises to Fund Smartstrap Crowdfunded Startups

One of the new features of Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel, in addition to a color screen, is what Pebble calls “Smartstraps“. Basically, the new Time/Time Steel watches will have connectors near the straps that will allow the straps to add new hardware options like GPS or heart-rate monitors to the watch, making Pebble Time extremely upgradeable and modular.

How the Pebble Smartwatch Became My New Fitness Tracker

I posted recently about my quest for a new fitness tracker, and I found one that (so far) I love. It’s only been 24 hours but it seems to check off all my boxes…and it wasn’t any of the ones on my initial list! It isn’t even that new, but my new Pebble is exactly what I was looking for!

The Atlas Wristband Is What Dick Tracy Would Wear to Work Out

One thing I told myself on New Years Eve was “if I make a resolution, I’m going to keep it”. That resolution was to not “get fit” but rather “be as healthy as possible”. The checklist was simple “hit the gym at least four times a week.” Now, that I do this I want to see the progress I make.

10 Reasons I Found the Apple Watch Event a Snooze-Fest

I thoroughly enjoyed reading Greg’s take on Why I’m Considering Getting an Apple Watch, more than I enjoyed yet another over-long, under-delivering Apple ‘event’. Part I can understand, as I was listening to the audio stream through my car for a half-hour, but I found this the biggest Apple snoozer I can recall. Let me give you 10 reasons why!

A Case for Your Apple Watch? Nope, It’s “The Bumper”

If you’re going to shell out the money for the new Apple Watch in April, you know one thing, and that is it will not be cheap. And even though the team in Cupertino has a good reputation of style, there may be a circumstance where you accidentally might damage your shiny new smart watch. There’

Apple Watch Limited to 2GB for Music and 75MB of Photos

Apple Watch buyers yesterday were happy to know that the Apple Watch would have 8GB of internal memory, regardless of model. However, the current operating system will only allot a portion of the internal storage for the music and photo portion, leaving you roughly 2 gigs of storage for music, and 75 megabytes for photographs. 9to5Mac confirmed yesterday that all three models of the Apple Watch would have the same memory at release. 9to5mac: As a user, you are only allowed to use a subsection of that total space for certain types of data. As confirmed with Apple, users are only…

Nike+ Announces Apple Watch-Compatible App

With Spring in full bloom, a lot of people are looking forward to keeping fit and staying healthy. The Nike+ Running app has announced they will release an app for the Apple Watch when released on April 24th (With preorders on April 10th). “We want people to be healthier by being more active,” Apple CEO Tim Cook said in the presentation. “[Apple Watch] tracks daily movement, how long you’re exercising and even reminds you if you’ve been sitting too long. Apple Watch will also send you reminders to be more active. In fact, on a Monday, it will send you…

Griffin Announces the First 3rd-Party Accessory for the Apple Watch

  One of the first accessories announced for the Apple Watch, aptly named the WatchStand, Griffin is one of the first companies in line following Apple’s announcement to start an uptrend of gadgets for the watch, which will launch April 24th. An elegant charging and display dock for the Apple Watch, the Watchstand will display your new wrist wear on a pedestal, and can placed anywhere due to it’s small and compact design. Imagine this beauty on your nightstand, tabletop or desktop at work for show as well as daily charging. I know I certainly would enjoy sitting my watch…

Why I’m Considering Getting an Apple Watch

Ever since Apple’s big announcements, people have been asking me “Greg, are you going to buy the Apple Watch?” My wallet, and my conscious have two completely different answers. I have an issue, which I consider “Apple-itis”. Whenever Apple sells me on a new product, they sell me … until I realize I haven’t exactly hit the powerball yet.

My Quest for a New Fitness Tracker; Which Will It Be?

I tested the fitness tracker waters with the Pivotal Living 1 and stuck with it despite the bugs. Unfortunately, I forgot it wasn’t waterproof, and a dip in the pool brought on the death of the PL1. It’s time to replace it, and I’ve narrowed my choices down to the Fitbit Charge HR, Withings Activité Pop, or Garmin Vivosmart. 

AT&T Is the First US Carrier to Offer the LG Watch Urbane

2015 promises to be a great year for wearable technology, with the Apple watch and Android wear coming out with great looking functional connected technology. One of the cool looking upcoming devices is the LG Watch Urbane, with a sapphire crystal, elements of Android and WebOS integrated and a feature set to make it something to get excited about!