Pop Culture & Current Events

InvisaWear Takes a Tragedy and….Inserts Themselves?

Over the weekend, a college student got into a car she thought was an Uber, and tragically she was murdered. This is an awful story. Somehow, the folks at invisaWear, jewelry that offers emergency GPS beacons, thought this tragedy was a good opportunity to promote their product.

Yesterday Promises Great Music and a Unique Storyline

I am in no way a movie buff, and it takes something pretty unique to pique my interest. The trailer for Yesterday immediately caught my attention as a unique story coupled with Beatles music. Directed by Danny Boyle, the movie is about a struggling musician who after an accident realizes he is the only person who remembers the Beatles.

The Death of eBooks Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

10 years ago, people were predicting the physical book was dead. eBooks were the rage, and everyone was predicting Kindles and Nooks would replace physical books on our shelves, in our backpacks, and on our nightstands. Instead, the physical book launched an unexpected comeback, the Nook is dying, and eBooks are back to being a niche; but they’re not dead.

The Theranos Story Unfolds Further in ABC’s New Podcast “The Dropout”

I am utterly and completely fascinated by the saga of Theranos. The story is so insane it’s hard to believe it is true, and every new bit of information makes you wonder all over again how it all unfolded. Now ABC has waded into the discussion with a podcast expanding on their research on Theranos for an episode of Nightline!

Gillette, #Boymom, and the Baby Steps to True Equality

I don’t spend much time on social media anymore, but one of the things guaranteed to make me grit my teeth whenever I did was #boymom.  Gillette razors apparently agree, with their controversial new ad asking men to be better. #bemoreliketheGilletteAd is a little awkward, but it’s way better than #boymom.

Vivid Seats Should Be Your Go-To Platform for Purchasing Event Tickets

Founded back in 2001 by two college roommates who sought to change the ticket marketplace for fellow fans, Vivid Seats has since gone on to become the largest independent ticket marketplace. Featuring tickets to everything from thrilling sports and esports matches to the hottest musicals and comedy tours, Vivid Seats recently shared some interesting data about one of your favorite bands!

Captain Marvel Is Crashing Down to Save Us All

Marvel has done a pretty amazing job with their cinematic universe. They spent years building up to The Avengers, and the interconnected universe since then has been a testament to their creative design. There was one hero in the wings, though, who made even the most powerful Avengers look like little leaguers. Enter Captain Marvel. 

Rest in Peace, Stan Lee

Stan Lee, the creator of every Marvel character you love, has passed away at age 95. He’s lived a remarkable life and has left a huge mark on the world. We have him to thank for X-Men, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and yes, Spider-Man!

This Doctor Who Video Will Give You Nightmares!

There are really only three episodes of Doctor Who that I have trouble rewatching: “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances” always freaks me out, “The Water of Mars” still gives me full body shudders, and last week’s “Arachnids in the UK” was deeply unsettling because spiders should not be the size of ponies.

Dear Facebook, I’m Just Not That Into You

I stopped visiting Facebook about 2 weeks ago. It wasn’t a conscious declaration, it was just that I felt like Facebook was becoming a crutch to distract me, and it wasn’t something I enjoyed. I probably would have drifted back sooner, but Facebook has been inundating me with emails like a needy ex, and it’s starting to creep me out enough to not want to return.

Disney Is Lining up for the Ultimate Female Hero Crossover

Disney is buying 21st Century Fox, which means that they’ll be adding the X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Simpsons, Futurama, and a whole slew of movie and television properties to their already huge portfolio. They’re also picking up arguably one of the greatest heroes of the late 90’s/early 2000’s, and the crossover possibilities are very exciting: Buffy is coming to Disney.

Five Things to Help You Understand Net Neutrality

Chances are that by now you have heard the term ‘net neutrality‘ thrown around, probably alongside some apocalyptic predictions of ‘life after the free internet’. But after the FCC set aside the rules protecting ‘net neutrality’ last November, changes which have just gone into effect – you might see people online saying ‘I don’t see a difference’ and assuming there was no big deal to begin with.

Going to the Olympics Made Me a Believer

As the closing ceremonies bring the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea to an end, I’m feeling exceptionally fortunate to have been able to go and see some of the highlights of these games in person. I’m also grateful for the opportunity to get to know a little more about Korea, its people, and their culture.

Xfinity X1 Loves the Olympics Like a True Sports Fan!

I love when the Olympics come every two years. It might make me a dork, but there’s something thrilling about cramming so much multiculturalism, athleticism, teamwork, and behind the scenes drama into a few intense weeks that is absolutely captivating.

Punch Bowl Austin Review: Can VR Gaming Work While Dining?

Now that the holidays are in full swing, and your home is cycling through visiting friends and family, you might find yourself trying to come up with a fun group activity that includes dinner. I’ll bet you’re thinking “it shouldn’t be this hard”, and you’re right! So, I’ve got the solution for you — Punch Bowl Social!