February 2015

Toshiba Canvio Aerocast WiFi Hard Drive Review: Back It Up and Stream It!

I use my Chromecast nearly every day to watch YouTube videos and more. The one thing that has not been as easy as I would like has been watching my own videos. That has now changed with Toshiba’s new Canvio Aerocast wireless hard drive, which has very good Chromecast support. Now you can watch almost any video on your Chromecast.

Making Use of my Notifications with Velox 2 Cydia Tweak

Velox 2 is an upcoming tweak from a friend of mine by the name of Phillip Tennen (@phillipten on Twitter) that allows you to interact with your apps on the Springboard in an amazing new way. Written from the ground, a follow-up to the tweak Velox by ApexTweaks for iOS6, Velox 2 takes us on a new journey in its ways to view notifications on our Springboard. With gestures like swipe up or down, double and triple, as well as hold onto icon, you can invoke a folder that contains the notifications for each app. Think of your Notification Center…

Sanuk AmBrrr and PickPocket Shoes: Comfortable and Well Made

Sanuk is one of those shoe brands I always wanted to try but never had the chance. They have a reputation for amazing quality shoes that are also ridiculously comfortable. So when Sanuk gave us the chance to check out their winter line, I was ecstatic to put their reputation to the test!

Amplify the Way You Listen to Your Tunes With UAMP

For the audiophile out there, one thing that a lot of us compromise on when using our mobile phones with headphones is one thing, sound. Thanks to a new Kickstarter by the name of UAMP, the possibility of having more bass for that jamming song, or the HD quality sound you want when watching a movie is now enriched with this audio amplifier.

In an Emergency, Use Siri to Call Poison Control!

Siri (or Cortana, or Ok Google) often get dismissed as gimmicks, or something you use for driving or otherwise using your phone hands free. My wife Sarah, however, can attest to a situation where Siri was an absolute hero for our family — Sarah used Siri to call Poison Control during an emergency!

Greg’s Gear- Devices I Use Daily

Here at GearDiary, a lot of us writers test out new products all the time. But with all of the awesome items we see & review, I figured I’d throw out a few of my favorite daily drivers that I use the most.

Logitech K480 Keyboard Is a Multi-Device Wonder

My main work devices are my iPhone 6 Plus, my iPad Air 2 and my 15″ MacBook Pro. At any given moment I might be working on any one of them. Having a keyboard that lets me quickly and easily switch between devices is something I have long wanted. Thanks to the Logitech K480 keyboard I now have exactly that keyboard.

Makers & Riders NEOSHELL PANTS Commuter Weatherproof Jeans Review

When a review sample of the Makers & Riders NEOSHELL PANTS 3-Season Commuter Weatherproof Jeans arrived, I wasn’t initially sure what to make of them. They are light and thin, warm as hell, somewhat baggy at the top, and taper at the ankle. After wearing them for a couple of days I just call them great and want more.

Lara Croft’s Gear in the Upcoming ‘Rise of the Tomb Raider’ Game

The next Tomb Raider action adventure game releasing later this year has the famous survivalist/heroine Lara Croft geared up to win against nature and enemies. Rise of the Tomb Raider, Announced at last year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), this upcoming sequel to the 2013 reboot Tomb Raider game where Camilla Luddington returns as the voice and body model of the famous Lara Croft. Lara teams up with Jonah Maiava in the Siberian mountains to investigate an ancient city built by the Grand Prince of Vladimir in the 13th century. In her first adventure, Lara Croft was forged into a true survivor, but she glimpsed a…

Henge Docks Gravitas Review with iPhone 6 and 6 Plus Inserts

The Henge Docks Gravitas for iOS devices is, by far, my favorite phone and tablet dock. The problem is that the review unit came wasn’t designed for the iPhone 6 or 6 Plus. Fortunately Henge Docks has the Life After Device program and is rolling out new inserts that work with current devices. That means you are covered.

KLEVV Is Looking to Make a Splash in the Gaming PC RAM Market

KLEVV is a newcomer to the memory game, but they have the pedigree to prove their worth. They’re hitting the market with many levels of premium PC RAM to suit every taste. KLEVV has access to the finest memory chips due to their parent companies and are looking to make a dent in the Gaming PC memory market right away.